After the contract is over, the next step is a bank interview. The interview date, interview location are decided, and you will prepare requirements for the interview.

1️⃣ Certificate of full payment "Kansai shomeisho"
2️⃣ New resident card "Jyuminhyo" ×3
3️⃣ New seal certificate "Inkanshomeisho" ×3
4️⃣ Passbook
5️⃣ Inkan
6️⃣ Stamp fee
7️⃣ Contract documents
8️⃣ Various identification cards "Zairyu card" etc
Notes on requirements
1️⃣ Certificate of full payment "Kansai shomeisho"
If you have condition with certificate of full payment for 2nd screening approval, please bring the original of it and the receipt that you paid.
2️⃣ New resident card "Jyuminhyo"
3️⃣ New seal certificate "Inkanshomeisho"
Please bring resident card "Jyuminhyo" and seal certificate "Inkanshomeisho" for new address. Therefore, you have to change your current address to new address at the city hall at least 3 days before bank interview.
4️⃣ Passbook
This is a passbook for monthly payments. There is no problem with the passbook you normally use. May be specified by some banks.
5️⃣ Inkan
If the seal certificate "Inkanshomei inkan" and the seal on the passbook "Giko inkan" are different, you have to bring both.
6️⃣Stamp fee
It depends on the content of the loan , but it is generally 20,000 to 25,000 yen.
Notes when changing address
If the address you are moving to isn’t in the same municipality, 1st you have to go to the city hall of your current municipality and submit a notification of moving out "Tenshutu todoke", then go to the municipality of your new address.
1️⃣ Person in charge of city hall may ask you when you will go to city hall.
"When is your address moved?"
→Your answer is "Today"
Today is the day that you will go to city hall. Because if you tell him/her 2weeks later,
he/ she tell you
"If so, please come again after 2 weeks later"
This is not good. If that, you don't get new address "Jyuminhyo and Inkanshoumeisho"
So if they ask you that, please tell them "Today"
2️⃣ Also, they may ask you again.
"Do you have anything to prove ?"
→Your answer is "This documents"
This documents are house contract documents that you contracted. So, please bring it at city hall.
📃Difficult content in bank interview
There is 2 difficult contents.
They are group life insurance, "Danshin" and
early repayment, "Kuriage hensai".

Group life insurance, "Danshin"
Group life insurance is a type of life insurance. When the policyholder dies, the death benefit is paid to the designated beneficiary.
Simply put, if you die, the housing loan becomes 0 yen with this insurance.
The bank will reconfirm this.

Early repayment, "Kuriage hensai"
This is a method of making additional repayments within the loan's repayment period to reduce the balance more quickly.
The advantage is
1️⃣ Shortened period
2️⃣ Interest reduction
If you do that, the principal decreases faster, shortening the repayment period. It also cuts down on interest payments, reducing the overall loan payment.
If bank will explain these 2 contents, of course, I will explain about it in an easy-to-understand manner. So you don't have to worry about.
📃Important point
Bank interview takes about 2-2.5 hours.
This time, bank will also check your Japanese conversation. If your answer will be not good, bank questions will be more difficult.
Therefore, even if the content is somewhat difficult, please try to "appear to understand" as much as possible.
I will tell bank about you in advance. So I think they will try to explain it as easily as possible.
You don't get too nervous. Please relax as much as possible. If so, I think there is no problem.
How to inquiry
If you want to ask in detail,
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Emai address
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Please feel free to contact us.
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advice that suits your current situation.
Ibaraki Association of Architectural Firms
B5464 0309